Fellow coach, fitness writer, and podcast host (The Fitness Devil), Andrew Coates, joins me on the show for his first time. In this episode, we dive into the fact that we both have unorthodox routes into the fitness industry, the importance of networking, continuing education and learning how to focus on the productive things that matter with respect to business and life. You can learn more about Andrew at www.andrewcoatesfitness.com You can follow him on IG at www.instagram.com/andrewcoatesfitness and on FB at www.facebook.com/andrew.coates.58 For the fitness fans, I highly recommend his podcast The Fitness Devil with his co-host, Dean Guedo. To learn more about your host, check out www.jasonleenaarts.com and www.revfittherapy.com You can also like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/revolutionaryou Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.
This week, I'm honored to welcome life coach, Jessi Kneeland to the show. I've been following her work for several years and have always found her take on body image to be both empowering and refreshing. In this episode, we talk about the effects body image can have on our self perception, how trauma can affect those images and the consideration of body neutrality. Jessi also takes on a couple of listener questions as well. To learn more about Jessi's work, please visit www.jessikneeland.com and follow her on IG at www.instagram.com/jessikneeland and on FB at www.facebook.com/jessikneeland To learn more about your host, check out www.jasonleenaarts.com and www.revfittherapy.com You can also like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/revolutionaryou Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.
Mike Howard returns for the triumphant fourth time to the show to promote his soon-to-be-released new book, "Lean Minded." To venture back into our previous episodes together, check out Episodes #64, #102, and #159 (also with James Krieger.) In this week's show, Mike talks about 4 topics that he presents in his book and how they can serve you best on your journey of self-improvement. I can't recommend his work enough. To learn more about Mike's work and to be in the loop to get your copy as soon as it comes out, visit www.leanminded.com You can also follow him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/leanminded and on Instagram at www.instagram.com/leanminded To learn more about your host, check out www.jasonleenaarts.com and www.revfittherapy.com You can also like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/revolutionaryou Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.
Carolyn MacDonald is Director of Operations at Examine.com and the self-proclaimed Master of "Getting Shit Done." In this fast paced, high stress world, it was time to bring on the productivity queen and get some insight on how to get more done when it seems as if there is not enough time in the day to do so. To learn more about Carolyn, you can follow her on Instagram at www.instagram.com/itscarolynmac and by visiting her website at www.artofgettingshitdone.com To learn more about your host, check out www.jasonleenaarts.com and www.revfittherapy.com You can also like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/revolutionaryou Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.