Kate Galliett is back with me for Part 2 in our 4-Part series together. In this episode, we talk about how to be more aware and respectful of the pain that we're feeling. Kate walks through a process (also detailed in her upcoming book, "Becoming Unbreakable", where you can take a step-by-step approach to understanding what pain you're experiencing, how to work around it and the variety of treatment options depending on the severity of the pain.
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I'm very excited to welcome back Kate Galliett to the show for our next 4-part series. Kate was previously on Episodes #123 and #272. This time, we're reconnecting initially in promotion of her new book "Becoming Unbreakable" which we'll be chatting about throughout the series but our first episode actually takes a few steps back. Kate and I talk a little bit about our origin stories into this industry and how the way we treated our bodies and evolved with them has shaped the way we coach.
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I wrap up this 4-part series with Dr. Susan Kleiner this week on a fascinating topic regarding nutrition. In this episode, we talk about how the food we eat affects not just our bodies but our moods and our performance. Dr. Sue offers an example of an elite athlete she had the privilege of working with in efforts to highlight how our diets affect not just the way our bodies move but how brain function and emotions are affected as well. This is a highly recommended episode and series!
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Dr. Susan Kleiner is back with me for the third part in our 4-part series together. In this episode, we talk about the differences in knowledge and application of when a registered dietitian would be utilized for the needs of a client versus a nutrition coach and the vast disparity of education that happens between these two options. We also chat about the inclusion of nutritionists who might fall in between these two distinctions (of RD and coach).
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In the 2nd part of my 4-part series with Dr. Susan Kleiner, we take a look at how macros have taken over the conversation regarding food. Dr. Sue and I talk about the nuance in that conversation and where it can be perceived as a reductionist view of what we eat. She talks about when it's appropriate to take a micro-look at food and when simple principles work better for the general population.
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