In the 2nd part of our 4-part series together, Sarah Campbell and I take a basic look at how our brains work for us and against us. We talk about the "myth" of balance and understanding the messages our brains give us that can either help us improve or stand in our way. We also discuss the importance of technology detoxes and the need for human connection.
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In our next 4-part series, I welcome back to the show, Sarah Campbell. Her first two appearances were Episodes #39 and #121 which makes it nearly four years since she's been on. In this episode, we talk about the "continuum of life experience" and how we're susceptible to all of the input we receive on a daily basis. We cover self-talk, how social media affects our mentality and how to handle the fact that our lives and how we react to what life throws at us can change over time.
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I am back with the final episode in our 4-part series together and Dr. Spencer Nadolsky wraps things up with a conversation on lipids and dietary interventions. Dr. Spencer discusses the basics of what you need to know regarding cholesterol levels, what dietary changes have the most positive benefit and where medication would be recommended.
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In the 3rd part of our 4-part series together, Dr. Spencer is back with me as we consider health regardless of body size. Dr. Spencer breaks down what markers might need to be considered to determine what the health of an individual actually is and how not to judge a book by its cover.
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